Research Paper on Using IT Technologies in the Real Estate Business

Real Estate Agents should have a website because now more than 95% of buyers and sellers use the Internet to search online for their requirements. The websites of real estate agents should be consumed and search engine friendly because most Internet searchers do not have the time or aptitude to spend too much time looking…

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June 6, 2021 | by

What are the Major Principles of Software Engineering?

The principles of software engineering involve refactoring the code, correcting errors that have been uncovered performing unit tests, and performing a code walkthrough. At the other end, (when coding initiates) the construction practice involves creating a visual layout that helps code understanding, writing self-documenting code, following other standards of local coding, and selecting meaningful variable…

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June 20, 2020 | by

Grand Strategy of Google Inc.

A grand strategy entails the comprehensive frameworks that help in laying out the strategic actions of an organization. They focus on the long-term course of business. The Grand Strategy of Google Inc includes concentrated growth, market and product development, innovation, concentric and conglomerate diversification, and strategic alliances.

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May 25, 2020 | by

Impacts of Gender Equality on the Environment and the Society

Impacts of Gender Equality The accomplishment of empowerment of all girls and women and gender equality is one of the significant SDGs of the industry matrix. Some of the key organizations that are leading by example in terms of this SDG are Unilever, Nestle, Walmart, ASDA, Kellogg Company, Cargill, and the Coca-Cola Company.

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March 20, 2020 | by

Advantages of Smart cards in Healthcare

Health records and current technology evolve at a high rate. The use of smart cards in healthcare has an enormous impact on healthcare records and nursing practice. The quick evolution of this sector poses a threat to the skills and changes of adaptation required by medical personnel. Implementation of the use of smart cards and…

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February 20, 2020 | by

How to Write a Perfect Thesis?

A well-research paper consists of a good thesis statement which holds the attention of a reader and tells him in a single sentence what the paper is going to talk about. Being a good writer, it is necessary to work on the thesis statement and forming one where the whole idea of the paper exists.…

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February 15, 2020 | by

Essay: San Francisco Earthquake

After the great San Francisco earthquake of 1906, the first massive efforts of earthquake engineering were undertaken in California with high expectations of economic return. Earthquakes were inevitably going to strike the region again, and reinforcement of new buildings would certainly mitigate future losses.

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October 5, 2019 | by

Career achievements of Dan Bethelmy-Rada

Dan Bethelmy-Rada is believed to be the youngest executive to take up the role of brand president at L’Oreal. The duo has received a lot of appraisal for his ability to effectively manage and offer training to his team. The various employees that are recruited at the firm have always been under his care and…

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September 28, 2019 | by

The Outstanding Career of Steve Lesnard

Steve Lesnard has educated many people through the various articles that he publishes. His major focus has recently been on the various ways that people can shape their influencer marketing. According to the expert, an individual looking to create awareness of their brand must ensure that they have created a strong connection and a strong…

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September 20, 2019 | by

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